
"a citizenry who take personally the fulfillment of America’s role as a shining example of freedom and equality for all..."

Thomas Jefferson for President
Here Comes the Rolling Renaissance!

Read Jefferson's Platform

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Candidacy Announcement

Thomas Jefferson Returns:

Seeks Third Term as President

Thomas Jefferson will announce his candidacy for President of the United States on the steps of Widener Library at Harvard at noon on March 9th, 2007. Declaring that the great American experiment in self-governance is foundering, the author of the Declaration of Independence feels compelled to return to seek a third term as Commander in Chief.

Mr. Jefferson seeks to reinvigorate the ideals and the promise of America by restoring its founding principles. Mr. Jefferson declares that his presidential campaign, the “Rolling Renaissance”, will appear in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada. The fundamentals of his platform include:

  • The abolition of war as a foreign policy

  • The reunion of the economy and the environment

  • An all-volunteer campaign with no fundraising.

While expressing gratitude and respect for Americans’ noble military service and sacrifice since the Revolutionary War, especially in current theaters in the Middle East, Mr. Jefferson will declare the ultimate victory – the abolition of war. He will establish that the institution of war is a social invention which has become obsolete and that Americans will no longer abide their own growing political obsolescence and loss of moral standing. Rather, in this coming national election, they will choose to regain their world leadership with a long view of the future from the highest honorable and ethical ground.

Mr. Jefferson, the master gardener, will also declare that Americans will come to understand that the world environment is the world economy. They are one and the same. Their growing awareness of global warming and other escalating crises of quality in soil, water and air will lead them to transform their principles of commerce accordingly. As newly empowered proponents of the long view of our planet’s future, Americans will establish that evolution is their only business; life is their only customer and community is their only future profit.

The role of Thomas Jefferson seeking the American presidency is enacted by August Jaccaci, former educator and futurist at Harvard, Boston College and the Rhode Island School of Design. Mr. Jaccaci serves as a social architect for creative enterprises worldwide and has worked with Margaret Mead and Buckminster Fuller.

He was the designer and host of the opening event of the United States Bicentennial celebration on Patriot’s Weekend in April, 1975. The “Town Meeting on the Year 2000” was televised live from Harvard for two days by WGBH with citizens calling in from all over New England to vote the articles on the year 2000. A newspaper describing the event and its proceedings was sent worldwide.

Mr. Jaccaci, appearing as Mr. Jefferson in his colonial finery, returns to Harvard and the steps of the Widener Library at noon on Friday, March 9th, 2007 to declare his candidacy and begin his “Rolling Renaissance” campaign. Interested citizens are invited to hear him and question him.